Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The "Blink" Re-Visited

So a while back...Riann
asked the question,
"What subtle thing/detail
from the opposite sex drives
you crazy" (as in it's a total
plus, draws an attraction, etc..)
Hers was sweaters...ok fine
she likes her men to keep
warm so they won't catch a
cold...Anna's was she likes
guys that wear watches...
ok she likes punctual guys...Seong's was he likes girls
with crooked teeth...likes subtle flaws in girls...ok
Mine..."I like girls that blink"...reaction WHAT
THE HELL!! Ate Tin, "like Snuffalupagus?"
Explanation: Ok...thanks to the Dawson's Creek
marathon (scroll down for joey potter example)
I feel a little more prepared in explaining my
answer...the "blink" creates an effect where the
person that is doing it seems to be more in tune
with their thoughts and feelings before speaking...
example and just here me out.. say, "James, you're
a dork" with your eyes open...Now say it as you
blink..."James" (insert blink here..hold it..tilt head
slightly to side...open your eyes) "you're a dork"...
more dramatic right?? more feeling behind it...
well it makes it seems like there is from an
observer...So in conclusion the blink represents
thoughtfulness, passion, and it's cute...OR it can
just mean I like girls with dry eyes...


Blogger Racheez said...

I will now blink longer when I tell you you're dumb James.

10:29 PM  
Blogger mr. cool said...

James you're an idiot....but I still love you...Oh and please don't spell your name J-A-Y-M-Z like that lame-ass dancer on "So You Think You Can Dance"...it's just not cool....

12:36 PM  
Blogger ANNA said...

why do you like to paint yourself into these corners, Jaymz?

9:55 PM  

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